Belarusian prison system

Any state institution is based on hierarchy. Prison is not an exception. Belarusian prisons are descendants of the GULAG with its set of informal prison rules (“ponyatiya”) and a strong medieval-like caste system with its leaders, commonfolks and outcasts (“petukhi”), who are strongly associated with homosexuals, totally disrespected and deprived of basic rights. This caste system is maintained not only by crime lords, but also by prison officials – such a division makes the control of the inmates much easier.

Since the Soviet times, Belarusian laws are explicitely adopted for suppressing any solidarity inside prison and putting the conditions convicts live in in a strong dependence from their obedience.

Currently, there are 3 anarchist political prisoners in Belarus. And for them this inhumane system is an everyday reality.

In October 2016, I held a speech where Belarusian prison system is explained in a detailed way.